Educating Finn Larkin: GI Crusoe

By Phillip Hyyti

[Backcover copy in edit mode]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Introducing The GI Crusoe Trilogy and Finn Larkin

The idea came to me in 2004 when the Democrats ran the "most liberal senator" as a candidate and I wondered about the history of the Left and the Right... I wondered if a WWII soldier came home after 60 years of isolation, what he would think of our 2004 election--what would he think of our post-war history? The idea grew from a short novel into a longer one, and then into a trilogy. Here's the trilogy:
  • Educating Finn Larkin has the title character returning to the USA in 2004, the day Ronald Reagan dies, after 60 years of isolation as the caretaker of the Selkirk Project (related to the Manhattan Project, the Selkirk Project was designed by the OSS to restart civilization after atomic destruction). Finn cruises home aboard a politically charged yacht where four Liberals and four Conservatives educate him about the post-war world. Finn then observes the country before deciding how best to save the USA from a Stalin-era conspiracy. Public education and history are themes.
  • Enticing Finn Larkin is the prequel and it spans 1923-2004: Finn's early life, his combat experience, the Selkirk Project and the Island Years through the day in 2004 when Ronald Reagan dies. Chapters alternate between Finn Larkin's life and Ronald Reagan's. Soviet espionage in America and Stalin's plans for Communist World Domination are themes.
  • Erasing Finn Larkin picks up four years after Educating... In August 2008 he is spotted in Alaska as the media descend upon that state. Looking for dirt on the governor, several reporters find Finn Larkin as he searches for the previously unknown second half of the Selkirk Project. Media bias and political corruption are themes.

Finn Larkin grew up in Florida and Ohio, raised by an aunt and uncle after he was orphaned in the 1926 Miami Hurricane. At the age of 22, he was a Sergeant with the 81st Infantry Division when he was wounded on the island of Peleliu, captured by the Japanese and declared MIA for three days. That was in October 1944. Fully recovered, on Christmas Day, 1944 Finn Larkin fell overboard the USS Alabama, never to be heard from again...officially.

Not until 2004 when billionaire John Burns, in order to ransom his kidnapped wife, searches the Pacific for an island created by Seabees during WWII. The day Ronald Reagan dies Finn Larkin is "recalled to life" when he swims out to that yacht anchored off his island.

After 60 years Finn is still on a mission, not from God, but from FDR and Winston Churchill. He is to learn all he can about the United States, incognito, and choose a course of action for the vast resources burrowed inside his island. Who to trust....


  1. FDR brought us the New Deal-- the apex of a slope (slippery indeed) of which we now find ourseleves mired-- under this current administration.

    Do we really want the protagonist/hero to be "on a mission...from FDR"?

    I apoligize for the initial comment being a critique, but FDR was an elitest and an economy wreaker (who, through the fortunes of war, avoided exposing his incompetance for all to see).

  2. Mission from FDR and who? Winston Churchill, my dear chap. You'll enjoy his contibutions to the Selkirk Project. FDR was...persuaded.

    I hope to get much of this organized soon--without telling TOO much... But I would like interaction just like the above comment. Keep them coming! Er...uh when I give you something to comment on. Check out the recommended reading list on the other blog.
